What are they making in there?
Come to our annual show and see what the Central School members and guests
are creating in their studios!
Opening Reception
Friday February 7th 6:00 - 8:30
Show runs through February 23rd
Gallery Hours 11 -4 Saturdays & Sundays
Featuring the work of our Members and some Guests:
Jonathan Ash, Peggy Avina, Gretchen Baer, Pam Blunt, Paul Bovee,
Gil Brown, Heather Buton, Gail Campbell, Risha Druckman, Jeff Hughart, Laurie McKenna, Dale Miller, Ruby Odell, Elle Peltola, Janet Reynolds, Pam Rodrigues,
Karen Schumacher, Jan Searle, Fernando Serrano, Rafiki Shemanski, Jeff Shriver, Lucy St John, Dave Tarullo, Rita Verri, Sam Woolcott
