Join us for a reception Friday 5 - 8 pm!
Gallery hours: Friday 12-4,
and Saturday 10-4

Make a bid and support your library! Welcome to Altered Books 11 - the eleventh edition of Bisbee's most popular event! Bidding will open for our online auction on Thursday, August 25 at 5:00 p.m. and you can bid until midnight on Saturday, August 27! If you want to see the books in person, you can enjoy a sneak preview at Central School from noon to 4:00 on Friday, August 26 or stick around for a live event from 5:00-8:00 on Friday, where you can kibitz with your friends, enjoy a glass of wine or a beer - and maybe even get a bidding war started! Please join the Friends of the Copper Queen Library in supporting one of the most highly awarded libraries in the country - and a true community center for all. You'll be supporting projects like the Summer Reading Program, free wi fi hot spots, Pre-School Story Hour, Freewrite, the Seed Library and Library of Things, free Yoga and Fitness Classes, Kanopy free streaming service, STEAM programs for kids... and so much more.