"Unfolding in a series of eight mythic vignettes, this late work by Akira Kurosawa was inspired by the beloved director’s own nighttime visions, along with stories from Japanese folklore. In a visually sumptuous journey through the master’s imagination, tales of childlike wonder give way to apocalyptic apparitions: a young boy stumbles on a fox wedding in a forest; a soldier confronts the ghosts of the war dead; a power plant meltdown smothers a seaside landscape in radioactive fumes. Interspersed with reflections on the redemptive power of creation, including a richly textured tribute to Vincent van Gogh (who is played by Martin Scorsese), Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams is both a showcase for its maker’s artistry at its most unbridled and a deeply personal lament for a world at the mercy of human ignorance."
-Criterion Collection
If there's too much wind or other bad weather we will screen the movie in the theater.
Masks are not required for the outdoor screening but we ask that you bring one if bad weather moves us inside to the theater.
Refreshments available by donation!
Bring a chair or use one of ours.
Our movies are free thanks to the generous support of The Bisbee Foundation and the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona.