CSP Movie Series "Routine Pleasures"
December 1, 2023
6:45 pm
1986 Film directed by Pierre Gorin featuring Manny Farber; celebrated film writer and completely true-to-self painter born and raised in Douglas Arizona
Be sure not to miss this opportunity to see Routine Pleasures by French Filmmaker Pierre Gorin. Routine Pleasures is a strange and dear portrait of art, enthusiasm and an obsession for things. There are actually 4 subjects: the French filmmaker Pierre Gorin who makes his presence and musings quite known, Manny Farber; a celebrated film writer and completely true-to-self painter (born and raised in Douglas Arizona), a group of model train enthusiasts, and the place itself, Southern California, USA in 1986
What do a club devoted to model trains and the legendary film critic and painter Manny Farber have in common? These two lines intersect in Jean-Pierre Gorin’s lovely and distinctly American film, which takes as its subject the desire to re-create the past (the locomotive aficionados’ elaborate worlds in miniature, Farber’s teeming canvases) and expands to something richly philosophical and surprisingly funny.
Routine Pleasures is a masterful meditation on America’s landscapes, real and imagined.
The movie will be shown indoors in the theater.
Refreshments available by donation!
Our movies are free thanks to the generous support of The Bisbee Foundation and the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona