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Supporting film and media artists online

Filmmaker Lewis Klahr

Lewis Klahr, still from Capitalist Roaders, the first in a six-part film cycle titled Circumstantial Pleasures, 2012–19. Courtesy of the artist.

Lewis Klahr is an amazing artist based in Los Angeles. Since the 1980s he has made beautifully constructed assemblage and montage films.  Objects, textures, color, and flat composition combine to tell us his stories. His stories are both pulling from the past and standing in the present. 

Lewis has a new series of 6 shorts entitled Circumstantial Pleasures. You can watch “Capitalist Roaders”, which is one of the six at the link provided above to Bomb Magazine which also includes a great interview. We would love to get Lewis to Bisbee when human mobility is back in place.

The entire 6 part series will be available to stream for free via online via the Wexner Center for the Arts in Columbus, Ohio, (free at from May 29th through June 18th.

On June 5th, the Wexner will host a live conversation with Klahr — you should plan to tune in.

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